Remembering Dave on the 13th Anniversary

Sierra is back in Long Beach rooming with two of her friends and getting ready for the fall semester to start. Soccer training is already underway and my mom and I are looking forward to the games! Go Beach!

Sierra and her friends Elysia and Mahea on move in day 8/4/2019.

I’m lucky that I’m not too far away from Sierra during the school year and I get to see her on the weekends. Of course I get to see her laundry too. 🙂

When I helped to move Sierra into the dorms for her Freshman year last year, man was that tough! This year was a little easier. I know it’s difficult for parents whose kids are going away to college, especially if it’s to another state. It’s probably a little easier to cope with the empty nest when you have your spouse to go through this with and just to have them there with you. I envy them. I wish I had that. I miss having Dave around to help deal with difficult times. And there have been many of those.

Today, August 11, 2019 is the 13th anniversary of Dave’s passing. Thirteen years. It’s insane how the time has flown by so quickly. Sierra and I continue to remember Dave on different occasions like today and try our best to keep him close through our memories with him.

Sierra posts photos and a little note to her daddy on Instagram each year. I’m happy she does this, but also sad that she only got to spend such a short time with him. Five years is just not long enough. For us all those memories of even simple things like his Boston accent or going to the beach are special and always will be.

Sierra’s Instagram post for the 13th anniversary.

Here’s a special memory. It’s a video of Dave teaching Sierra how to ride a bike. Teaching your kid to ride a bike seems like more of a dad thing and I’m glad he was able to do that with her.

On this anniversary, I’m glad that Sierra is close enough to drive home and be here with me on this day of remembrance of our favorite guy. We always try to do something together, usually just the two of us and Diamond Dave in spirit.

Dinner at one of our fave restaurants on 8/11/2019

And no matter who enters our lives in the future, he will always be our favorite guy. Miss you more than ever Dave.

Family <3

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