Valentine’s “Loss” and Found

I wish I had known about blogging back in 2006.  I probably would have posted entries just about every day about my experience dealing with my loss.  Writing was a healing tool for me. It brought out the emotions and also brought comfort.  I actually emailed Dave thru his email address which I kept because it was my way of continuing to communicate to him.  It was also my way of keeping a journal of my journey through grief.  Besides emailing Dave I also wrote a few poems. The Maui Weekly had posted a poetry contest in 2007 for Valentine’s Day. Since I love contests and I had already written a few poems, I decided to enter one about Dave. It was titled, “What is a Soul Mate?”.  I didn’t win, but was a runner up and was thrilled with that!  Also being able to express my feelings through this poem was very beneficial to my healing process. I’d like to share it once again…..

What is a Soul Mate Poem

I remember that at the time, Valentine’s Day 2007, I thought about how lucky I had been to have found my soul mate in Dave and lived 11 wonderful years together.  Most people never get to experience being that close and connected with someone.  Once he had passed on, I thought about the possibility that this was going to be my life for the rest of my life.  Widowed and single.  And I was completely okay with that…in fact I didn’t feel the need or even want to become involved with anyone else. I had met my soul mate and that’s it…the end. Besides there so much more to life…..

I had mentioned to friends that IF I had met someone, they would have to be super special! I would be insanely picky because of what I had with Dave and because I still had Sierra to consider. She had to like him too! This guy would have to accept the fact that Dave would always be a part of our lives; that Sierra and I continue to celebrate special occasions related to Dave. He would have to be okay with the fact that we still speak about Dave on a regular basis and the memories are very important to us.  This guy would have to be extremely understanding, selfless, emotionally secure and many other things on my lengthy list.  There is NO WAY this guy exists on this planet. And….I’m totally fine with that.

But then I learned that he does exist.

A Special Pink Dahlia

"Love Happens"

Fast forward to Valentine’s Day 2012. Five years after I first posted my poem, “What is a Soul Mate”, the holiday of love and romance has come around once again and has made me realize that maybe it is possible to have an amazing connection with someone else.

If Dave and Brad had met, I know they would have been the best of buddies. They have many things in common, but also many differences. And that makes it perfect. Somehow I feel like Dave had something to do with Brad and I connecting through a pink Dahlia flower. But that’s another story 🙂

I’d like to share the Valentine’s video surprise Brad had planned for me. It completely blew me away!  I am a lucky girl. Sierra is too. Dave was the ultimate love and support, our favorite guy. And now we have found another…..

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