Remembering Dallas

Dallas’s favorite color was red. He was super easygoing and always had a smile on his face.

In the 90’s, my sister Terri and her family lived in Kula, Maui. During the colder months, it would get pretty chilly in Kula, but even as a little kid Dallas wore shorts, a t-shirt or tank top while the rest of us were bundled up.

He did chores from an early age and was always a hard worker growing up. Whenever asked to handle extra tasks around the house, he would do so right away without complaining.

I remember stopping by my parents’ shop one day while he and my mom were outside. Dallas was maybe three years old, and he yelled, “Aunty Lena!” and ran over to me and hugged my legs. I think that was a regular thing when Dave and I stopped by to visit, but for some reason I remember this one specific time.

When I worked at Maui Electric Company, I would go to my parents shop in the Wailuku Industrial Park Monday through Friday for my lunch break. After a quick lunch, I’d take him up to the loft above the workshop and read him a book before his nap. He usually picked the same book again and again and again and again. I must’ve read, “Are You My Mother?” a thousand times.

After my sister and her family moved to Washington, Sierra, my mom, and I would fly up to visit. On one visit, there was a huge summer company picnic. Dallas asked me to run the potato sack race with him. We got our teamwork strategy down and won! 💪🏼 Even if we had come in last place, I know he would still have had a smile on his face.

Dallas and I crossing the finish line in the potato sack race in 2001.

He was athletic and played a few different sports, but his primary sport was soccer. He was number 11; the same number Sierra had for many years. We watched his games when we visited the family in Washington, and he also watched a couple of Sierra’s soccer games when on Maui or when she traveled with different teams to play in WA. He was a great player and super aggressive on the field, but when the game was over, he could turn the fierceness off and be his relaxed and smiley self again.

Dallas and my mom, his Grams, were super close. She’s a big sports fan and always enjoyed watching him play. They also shared a passion for reading and would often hang out and just read their own books together for hours.

During his last days, my mom flew to Washington to spend some time with him and to say her goodbyes. We believe that Dallas waited for his Grams to visit him and once he knew that she was at peace with him having to move on, he was ready to do so.

Dallas passed away at 5:30am on May 12, 2024, Mother’s Day.

Dallas told me a few years ago that one of his childhood memories that stands out was when he was home in Maui for a visit and his Uncle Dave took him snorkeling in Kihei. Dallas was maybe 9 or 10 years old. I remember that day and I’m glad Dallas remembered it too. I’m hoping Dave was there to meet Dallas when he moved on. They get to hang out together again, whether it be to snorkel, wrestle, ride a Harley or just hang out.

Dallas, I will miss you, your smile, your competitive, but easy going nature. I will cherish all the memories of spending time with you. Say hi to Uncle Dave for Sierra and me. We will miss you both very much, but are happy you are at peace and get to hang out together.

Sharing more pics of Dallas with family.

David Memories on the 15th Anniversary

It’s crazy that today, August 11, 2021, is the 15th anniversary of Dave’s passing. 15 years. As we all keep saying, time flies. It totally doesn’t seem like it’s been 15 years.

Initially I wasn’t sure what to write in this anniversary post. After some thought, I decided that this post should be about some of the memories of the fun and funny times I’ve had with Dave.

Many who are reading this had never met him and don’t know what a cool, fun guy he was. For those who knew Dave, you know that he wondering what took me so long to tell some stories about him.

“It’s all about Dave Castles baby. “ He actually used to say that 🙂

We met in 1995 at Kamaole Beach Park One. Dave was on an extended Maui vacation…said he was “semi-retired”. Honestly, I’m not sure what that even means. 😉

He was from Methuen, Massachusetts. He had been in the auto sales business for maybe 10 years and managed a couple of dealerships. He was burned out and decided he needed to take a break. Good timing because I had just left the radio station and was taking a break myself. We hung out every day and night for five months….mostly at the beach.

(Dave and I hanging out at Kamaole Beach Park One at the volleyball where we first met.)

The one about da Isuzu

Dave was on a six month vacation (he extended it a month) so he rented an ohana apartment in Kihei and bought a car. The funny thing was that after driving brand new cars for years working at dealerships, he actually bought Maui cruiser! He knew it made sense to buy a good used car rather than rent one for the entire time he was in Maui. Of course, later on, he ended up selling it for a profit.

He bought a blue Isuzu pick up truck for I believe $2000. It was lowered and had tires that were too wide and touched the fender if you turned the steering wheel too far. This was totally not a typical Dave Castles vehicle, but he loved it and enjoyed driving it! I so wish I had a photo of it! But of course back then we didn’t think to take pictures of this Maui cruiser. 🙂

Dave called the Isuzu a “sweet ride” and said it with a big smile and looked at you as if waiting for a reaction.

The one about the cover charge

Dave hated paying cover charges when we went out. We used to go to Moose McGillycuddy’s and World Café in Lahaina among a few other places.

(Dave and I hanging out at Kimo’s in Lahaina, Maui with friend, Bonnie, from Long Island. Lucky Bonnie got to experience driving the Isuzu cruiser!)

One night that Dave and I decided to go to World Café, we were running late and parked pretty far. Cover charge started at 9pm and it was just a few minutes before nine when we parked. Dave decided we should run to make it there before 9pm. We full on sprinted….not jogged, sprinted…. from the car all the way to the front door at World Café. We were cracking up the whole way and people must’ve thought we were crazy.

We made it just before 9pm, but I guess the local guy/bouncer at the door had already started collecting cover charge, which btw, wasn’t much. Dave told him it was not yet 9pm. The guy said they were already collecting cover. It went on for a bit with Dave explaining how we sprinted from the parking lot.

In the end the guy said, “Come on man, it’s only $2.” I remember how he emphasized TWO dollars. It didn’t matter to Dave though because at this point it was about convincing the guy to not charge us. I suggested he just pay it. He did, but I know he would’ve kept at it if I hadn’t asked him to pay it. Whether it was $2 or $20, Dave hated paying cover. And when I say $2, I mean cover was $1 each! Haha!

The one about the longest running Maui News car ad

Dave owned quite a few motorcycles in the past. Most were Japanese street bikes, but when he moved to Maui, he ended up buying a Harley Davidson Fat Boy. He loved it and it was always super clean and shiny.

At one point I told him it’s not practical to have it and that he should sell it. He agreed and placed a “Run it til in sells” ad in the Maui News. The deal was you pay a one-time fee for the ad, and keep renewing it for free until it sells. Dave set a price; I don’t remember what it was, and the ad ended up running for two years! Completely intentional! 🙂

(Dave giving my nephew, Dallas, a ride the Harley Fat Boy.)

The one about throwing gifts

Dave would make fun of some of the gifts his family gave him. He used to tell me that his mom goes Christmas shopping and remembers his gift while she’s waiting in line at the checkout, then picks something off a nearby shelf. Lol!

We were staying at the Waianapanapa cabins in Hana, Maui, when he showed me the Mickey Mouse men’s sleepwear his mom bought him for Christmas. We were cracking up as he put it on and posed with it. I also would like to add that although he made fun of the set, he did wear the shorts A LOT! Must have been comfy!

(Dave posing with the Mickey Mouse pajamas he got from his parents for Christmas.)

His sister, Cathy, told me about how he used to open gifts from family, usually clothes which were not something he’d wear, hold it up and say, “Oh, you got me this?” and fling it or throw it on the floor. Everyone would burst out laughing about it. They were just used to him doing stuff like that.

He had never done that around us though so neither Sierra nor I had ever witnessed him being a brat and tossing gifts. He did make funny comments though.

Recently I pulled out our entire set of mini DV tapes of Sierra when she was younger. During her time at home during the pandemic, Sierra converted them all to digital files. We came across this one video clip that I’ve watched a couple hundred times at least. It’s a cute, funny clip of her being Dave Castles’ daughter.

Now just a note that we have always encouraged Sierra to be grateful for any gift she gets regardless of what it is, but this unexpected reaction, shows how she’s daddy girl and I have to agree with what Dave says at the end of the clip. Enjoy!

Thanks for being here and reading my stories about Dave.  Will be sharing more fun memories with Dave soon!

Remembering Dave on the 13th Anniversary

Sierra is back in Long Beach rooming with two of her friends and getting ready for the fall semester to start. Soccer training is already underway and my mom and I are looking forward to the games! Go Beach!

Sierra and her friends Elysia and Mahea on move in day 8/4/2019.

I’m lucky that I’m not too far away from Sierra during the school year and I get to see her on the weekends. Of course I get to see her laundry too. 🙂

When I helped to move Sierra into the dorms for her Freshman year last year, man was that tough! This year was a little easier. I know it’s difficult for parents whose kids are going away to college, especially if it’s to another state. It’s probably a little easier to cope with the empty nest when you have your spouse to go through this with and just to have them there with you. I envy them. I wish I had that. I miss having Dave around to help deal with difficult times. And there have been many of those.

Today, August 11, 2019 is the 13th anniversary of Dave’s passing. Thirteen years. It’s insane how the time has flown by so quickly. Sierra and I continue to remember Dave on different occasions like today and try our best to keep him close through our memories with him.

Sierra posts photos and a little note to her daddy on Instagram each year. I’m happy she does this, but also sad that she only got to spend such a short time with him. Five years is just not long enough. For us all those memories of even simple things like his Boston accent or going to the beach are special and always will be.

Sierra’s Instagram post for the 13th anniversary.

Here’s a special memory. It’s a video of Dave teaching Sierra how to ride a bike. Teaching your kid to ride a bike seems like more of a dad thing and I’m glad he was able to do that with her.

On this anniversary, I’m glad that Sierra is close enough to drive home and be here with me on this day of remembrance of our favorite guy. We always try to do something together, usually just the two of us and Diamond Dave in spirit.

Dinner at one of our fave restaurants on 8/11/2019

And no matter who enters our lives in the future, he will always be our favorite guy. Miss you more than ever Dave.

Family <3

Sierra’s First College Game

August 11, 2018 was the 12th anniversary of Dave’s passing. I never know what to expect when August 11 comes around each year. Some years have been really emotional and tough to deal with. Others have not been too bad and some have actually been pretty good. It doesn’t really have anything to do with how much time has passed since we lost him. I think it’s more about what’s happening in my life at the time that makes the most difference in how the anniversary will play out.

This year Sierra got to kick off her college soccer career at Long Beach State on the anniversary date. The game happened close to home so her many of her friends could come out to watch her play, which made it even more special!

After the game with Sierra’s awesome friends!

Sierra also played this game for her dad and dedicated it to him.

Sierra’s Instagram story post before the game

After all the years of practices, driving, travel, games, sacrifices related to soccer, plus training for track, basketball and other activities in which Sierra participated, we are at the point in time where she is moving on to the next level in her soccer career: playing college ball. Although she has moved out and into the dorms, my support and guidance will carry on in full force (from a distance) and I am looking forward to continuing this amazing journey with her. Her Grams has also been with us on all the soccer travels and adventures as well and I know she will remain a solid supporter.

Team Sierra

That this game was the kick off to Sierra first year playing college ball, that it was so close to where we live so her friends could attend, and that it was on August 11, makes me believe that her dad is there for her as well. I feel as though this was his way of being a part of an important night.

I’m so thrilled Sierra brought her game and played well! It was fun to watch with her friends and we are grateful to those who came out to support and cheer for her and her team! Of course her mom brought her camera and filmed it so here’s a little clip of Sierra’s highlights of her first college game. She’s #11 in black.

Looking forward to an awesome, fun year of soccer with Long Beach State! Go Beach! Go #11!


Sierra chose #11 for her dad



Happy Birthday Dave!

Today, January 4, is Dave’s birthday. It would have been his 50th so it was important to share this post on this special day for Dave and for me and Sierra too.

For years after Dave died, Sierra and I would get him a card and write a note to him and get a cake for his bday. It was important for us to continuing celebrating him.

A cake Sierra and her Aunty Mo made for Dave’s bday in 2008


Sierra with a cake we got to celebrate her dad’s birthday back in maybe 2010.

Tonight, we will do something special to remember him as well as add butterfly #50 to the David Tree that we put up every year during the holidays. (Story about our David Tree)

Sierra and I decorating the David Tree for Christmas with a butterfly for each year of Dave’s age. We add another butterfly to celebrate his birthday January 4th.

I’ve always preferred small, quiet celebrations for my birthday. I still do! I enjoy organizing surprises for other people, and I have to say, I’m pretty good at it! However, everyone who knows me knows I’m not a fan of being surprised with a party. No parties for me please! I do not like being the center of attention. This is where Dave and I were opposites. He loved being the center of attention and he was good at it!

Dave making fun of some clothes a family member got him as a gift. 🙂


A past birthday celebrating with his family back east. The cake had both his name and his sister, Maryellen’s name on it since their birthdays were close. But notice who the cake is in front of 🙂

For his 35th birthday, I decided to throw a surprise party for him at our house. Sierra was 2 years old at the time. I asked our friends and business associates of Dave’s, Dave Simonson and Sue Stischer to pretend that there was a photo shoot at Maalaea Harbor which my Dave would be part of.  The photo shoot ended up being “canceled” and Simonson kept Dave out for a drink to give me time to set up. Friends and family arrived on time and I had them hide their cars in our neighbor’s driveway. I also asked Simonson to distract him and get him to look in the opposite direction as they entered our driveway. We had to be extra careful because Dave was always super aware of everything around him.

Success! It worked out perfectly! Dave had no idea that we had been planning the surprise!  Of course, he didn’t really react when he showed up because he’s tool cool for that! Lol! But…. I knew we got him!

Sierra was looking through some DVDs the other day and found the video of the surprise party!

Dvd of Dave’s 35th birthday surprise party!

Our long-time friend, Brian Lynx did an excellent job filming and narrating the video. Dave edited the video himself. I’m so glad we have this available to watch again and again! I’m sharing here for friends and family to be able to see him and hear his voice again and also for those who only know him through my shared posts and memories.

Dave was cool guy in many ways and he always made me laugh even if he was deliberately being annoying. But I’ll save those stories for another post 🙂

I donated all of Dave stuff except for a few things. One of them happens to be one of the gifts he got from the birthday party. I kept this because it describe Dave perfectly, “The Amazing Dad”.

Amazing Dad shirt from 35th bday


Dave, the Amazing Dad and Sierra at Disney


Reading to Sierra at bedtime. Same books over and over and over. Barney was a fave!


At the beach in Kihei, Maui. One of my favorite pics because of the way Sierra is looking at her daddy.

Happy 50th birthday Dave. I miss you more than ever.

Extra note: Every time he picks up Sierra in the video…oh boy…it’s hard for me to not get emotional. Lots of tissues used on this post.

A Special Red Rose

Dave and I were married on January 30, 1999. Today would have been our 18th wedding anniversary. Dave and I would always forget to celebrate our anniversary! Something always came up where we were busy and would just space it. We’d both remember days later. We didn’t really make a big deal that we forgot and we’d just do a little something later when we did remember.

January 30, 2007 was the first wedding anniversary I remembered before the date arrived. But I didn’t have my husband around to celebrate with….because he died five months earlier.

For about two years after Dave died, I set up a memorial site at the location of the accident. We based the set up and decorations on different holidays and special occasions. I remember how windy it was out there near Sugar Beach and how I didn’t really like being out there near the busy road with people looking at me as they drove by. It was a location that was a little difficult, a little dangerous to get to with traffic flying around the bend, but I had to do this for me and for Sierra. It was a way for us to pay our respects and to remember Dave.

For our wedding anniversary coming up in 2007, I needed to come up with something cool and special. My thought was a GIANT long stem red rose. But, we lived in Maui. Where would I find a giant long stem red rose??? I don’t think this is something that would be easy to find anywhere for that matter. I looked at every store I could think of and of course was unable to find one. So, I decided to make one. I’ve always loved making things anyway and this would be good project for me. I used mailing tubes (for the stem), felt fabric, wire and busted out my handy pink mini glue gun (which I still have!). Both Sierra and I were pretty happy with how it turned out.

Long Stem Red Rose

Sierra age 6, with our custom hand made long stem rose


Sierra and I made the trek out to the site and figured out a way to connect it to the tree. Creating things was part of my therapy and I was happy to be able to display this single long stem red rose for Dave to celebrate what would have been our 8th anniversary. We kept it up through Valentine’s Day and also added a few other things. We also had a container there for notes from people that were walking by on the beach and friends who went to visit the site.


Currently there is just a single cross on the tree at the site on North Kihei Road in Maui. Sierra and I continue to celebrate special occasions and remember special memories with Dave and talk about him all the time. Tonight, to remember Dave on our 18th anniversary, I wanted to share this past memory of our special red rose.

Happy Anniversary Dave…I remembered 🙂



Merry Christmas From Heaven

I’m not even sure his parents and siblings knew this, but Dave loved Koalas! It’s weird because he was so adventurous, fearless, energetic and koalas are so mellow, slow moving and sleepy. When I told Sierra when she was around seven years old that her dad loved Koalas, she chose one to add to her Webkins collection and she named her Koala, David.

Today, Christmas Day 2016, Sierra got a special gift. I’ve heard that sometimes messages from our loved ones who have passed on, come through other people. I believe it.

When Sierra opened a Christmas gift from her friend My-Linh, I got that message as soon as I saw it. A Koala ornament.  I had to text My-Linh to ask how she came up with the Koala ornament to give to Sierra. Here’s her text response and pic of the cute Koala ornament which came all the way from Australia:



I’ve been posting about how much we miss Dave after 10 years of him being gone, but I think maybe he’s trying to tell us he still around and wishing us a Merry Christmas. Before he died, I didn’t believe in any of this stuff. Now however, I truly do believe that those who have passed on leave us little signs here and there to let us know they are still hanging out with us. We just need to be aware and open.

Merry Christmas from the Castles Family: Dave, Lena, and Sierra. Wishing you all peace and pennies from Heaven.

The 10th Anniversary

I’m so bad at keeping a flow of blog posts going. I believe the last time I wrote one was over two years ago when we made our move in 2014 from Maui to Southern California. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m not disciplined enough to write on a regular basis, because it’s hard to decide what to write about, or because my blog posts about Dave are always super emotional for me to write. Every post is a tearful post.

So, here I am, at a Del Taco in Lake Forest, California while my car is in the shop, using my iPhone and a Bluetooth keyboard to write. This will be the first post being written in a public place so I’m going to have to keep my sunglasses on to hide the emotions that come from writing about Dave.

Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.

Pressing on…..

Today, August 11, 2016 is the 10th anniversary of the day we lost Dave. Early this morning, Sierra posted her tribute to her daddy as she always does on August 11. I hope she’ll agree to contribute her own post to this blog someday, but for now, I’m happy that she continues her posts in homage to her dad in her own way….

Sierra's Instagram tribute

Sierra’s Instagram tribute

Ten years has gone by so quickly and I’m sure the next 10 will as well. So much has happened since that day Sierra was five years old, sitting on my lap in our bedroom as I explained that she won’t be able to see her daddy again. She’s now 15 years old and coming up on her Junior year in high school with a busy year planned.

One of the things that I’ve been thinking about much more since moving to California, is the fact that I will never have the privilege of watching one of Sierra’s soccer games with Dave. The day she got on her first soccer team was the day he we lost him. Story here: The Gift of Soccer.

A soccer tournament which Sierra played in May 2015 in New Jersey, was the first time that Dave’s family was able to see her play. This was a pretty emotional tournament for me because watching the games with his family is the closest I will ever come to watching Sierra’s games with him.

Besides soccer, there have been so many more activities, events, accomplishments, milestones that we’ve missed out on sharing in person with Dave. The big move from Maui, starting high school, learning and playing basketball and making the varsity team in her second year of playing the sport, all the exciting track meets including running with her 4×100 relay team in the CIF meets, all the extra training sessions at the court, track, soccer field, the academic struggles and accomplishments, the process and commitment to Long Beach State on a soccer scholarship, winning an ASB election as class treasurer, learning to drive a car and there are many more to come that we will only be able to experience spiritually with him.

Sierra's 2nd year playing soccer.

Sierra’s 2nd year playing soccer.

Sierra's 1st talent casting

Sierra’s 1st talent casting

1st day of high school after move to California

1st day of high school after move to California

ASB Elections 2016

ASB Elections 2016

Verbal commitment to Long Beach State on soccer scholarship (Pictured with Asst Head Coach Jeff Joyner on left and Head Coach Mauricio Ingrassia on right)

Verbal commitment to Long Beach State on soccer scholarship (Pictured with Asst Head Coach Jeff Joyner on left and Head Coach Mauricio Ingrassia on right)

I’m always looking ahead and probably stress myself out more than the average person about future events. I know I’ll be a mess at her high school graduation, college graduation, wedding…and any other big event that Sierra and I have to experience without Dave being physically here. As much as I prepare myself, I know it’ll be tough. So if you happen to be at one of these events and see me hiding behind the bleachers or in a private space, you’ll know that I need a little room to try to manage my emotions. Some people need comfort, I prefer a quiet space.

Although he’s not able to sit next to me at a soccer game or track meet or at graduation, I’m hoping that Dave continues to leave little signs here and there, as he has in the past, to let us know that he’s around.

This Nickelback music video “Never Gonna Be Alone” pretty much sums it all up for me… Great song, great video. Bust out the tissues. Believe me, you’ll need it.

As Sierra said in her tribute post, after 10 years, we don’t miss you any less. And we will remember those years spent with you and cherish memories such as these:

Sierra graduating from Preschool, June 2005

Sierra graduating from Preschool, June 2005

New SoCal Friends

Ok so this is like Stalker Mom status but whatever! Lol! I still think this is a trip and that Dave must be helping his girl out 🙂 Check it out….

This move from Maui to California has been super hectic and exhausting, but after living in a hotel with all our stuff, we finally got to move in to our apartment home on August 7. Yay!!

On our 2nd day in the apartment, we finally got a little break and Sierra and I went to the pool/hot tub to chill out a bit. I was very much looking forward to some much needed relax time.

We had planned to get there earlier, but got tied up waiting for AT&T to install Internet service for us so we got there much later, around 6:45pm. The delay turned out to be a good thing! After around 1/2 hour just before we were getting ready to leave, two teen girls entered the pool area. As soon as I saw them I thought, “Yes! New friends for Sierra!”

Long story short, I got out of the hot tub and left the pool area to give them space. In just a few minutes, they were chatting and exchanging Instagram info! I peeked out of the workout room window next to the pool area, sneaked around like a weirdo and snapped these pics 🙂

New friends 1

New friends 2

So….that’s all pretty cool and I can’t tell you how thrilled I was that this was happening! But, THIS is the trippy part!! Turns out one of the girls lives in our apartment complex and the other is moving in soon. In addition, both are going to be freshman at the same high school Sierra will be attending, both are going to be taking Spanish as Sierra is, so they may be in the same class AND one is a soccer player! The other plays volleyball so she’s an athlete too. Awesome!!

Sierra has lots of friends thru her Arsenal soccer teammates, but they all live pretty far from us. One of the things I REALLY wanted to happen when we moved to California, was for Sierra to make friends who were in our area and would be going to her new school before school started. I thought, “How can I make that happen?!”  Well…I guess we lucked out!! What are the odds of this happening?! We chose a small apartment complex in an area of about 80,000 residents and on the 2nd day here Sierra makes 2 new friends, same age, same interests, living in the same apartment complex!!

Monday, August 11, 2014, marks eight years since we lost Dave. However, I believe he’s around us wherever we are whether Maui, California or anywhere else. He’s doing his thing to help his little girl out and I know he’ll keep watching out for her…

Eight years….can’t believe its been that long. She’s doing great, Dave. Thanks for being here for us.


Our New Adventure

“It’s an adventure!” Whenever we went out and did something new or different, that’s what Dave would always say. Taking Sierra on her first trip to Disneyland, going to a restaurant for the first time, even a simple trip to the grocery store sometimes became an adventure! On a trip years ago, can’t remember where, we had an unexpected ride on an airport apron tarmac in a little shuttle bus. I remember being tired, annoyed and wondering why we had to ride around in this crowded hot van rushing and weaving thru luggage carts. I looked at Dave and he just smiled and said, “It’s an adventure”.

With Chip at Disneyland

With Chip at Disneyland

Learning to drive at Disney with Daddy

Learning to drive at Disney with Daddy

The three of us at Disneyland in 2003

Fun cab ride at Disneyland

Fun cab ride at Disneyland

Even with his busy schedule, Dave always kept a good balance in managing his time and created many adventures with Sierra and me. And we didn’t have to go somewhere far away, it was all about making the most of any activity, anywhere…making it into something fun…whatever it was.

Dave and Sierra at Kamaole Beach, Maui

Dave and Sierra at Kamaole Beach, Maui

And now, the time has come for us to set off on our biggest adventure! July 28, 2014 marks a new beginning for Sierra and me as we leave our island home, where we’ve both lived our entire lives. At first I thought about how sad it would be to leave the home Dave and I built where we raised Sierra. It felt like we would be leaving so much behind. Then I realized that wherever we go, we take all the wonderful memories with us and I know that Dave would want his daughter to get out there and be the best she could be. I also believe that Dave will be right there with us every step of the way….including being there as she plays her favorite sport. #soccer

It’s a big world, full of opportunities and we welcome all the challenges, new friends, and new experiences.

Photo of Sierra and Lena at sunset

Photo of Sierra and me at Kamaole III Beach taken by Brad Starks in January 2011.

A hui hou Maui. You will always be our home.